How to Upgrade Your NetClient CS Account
Step #1
The next time you log into your NetClient account, you will be able to easily migrate to using a Thomson Reuters account.
Go to
Step #2
Enter your same username and password credentials as you did the last time you accessed your client portal.
Step #3
Select Upgrade my NetStaff CS or NetClient CS login.
Step #4
You will be prompted to create credentials for your new Thomson Reuters account.
Enter an email address to use for your account.
Then, select Continue.
Step #5
a. Enter your new password.
b. Ensure your preferred language is selected.
c. Agree to the terms of use.
d. Select Continue.
Step #6
Before the migration is complete, you need to verify your email address. An email with a verification code will be sent to you.
Enter the provided code and create your account.
Optional Step (Password Retrieval)
a. If you do not remember your password, select Forget password?
Step #9
b. Enter your same login credentials as you did the last time you accessed your client portal.
c. Enter the email address associated with your account.
d. Select
If you don't know which email address is associated with your account, or you are unable to get a temporary password, contact your accountant or payroll provider and they will be able to provide you with a temporary password.